Query to get concurrent program name and its parameter
SELECT fcpl.user_concurrent_program_name
, fcp.concurrent_program_name
, par.end_user_column_name
, par.form_left_prompt prompt
, par.enabled_flag
, par.required_flag
, par.display_flag
FROM fnd_concurrent_programs fcp
, fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcpl
, fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl par
WHERE fcp.concurrent_program_id = fcpl.concurrent_program_id
AND fcpl.user_concurrent_program_name = &conc_prg_name
AND par.descriptive_flexfield_name = '$SRS$.' || fcp.concurrent_program_name
Profile Value at any Level
Below is another handy query to get profile Values at all levels.
The query prompts for 2 parameters, the profile name and the level name that could be application/responsibility/username. Its a wild search so will retrieve data if any of parameter is passed a blank.
The query prompts for 2 parameters, the profile name and the level name that could be application/responsibility/username. Its a wild search so will retrieve data if any of parameter is passed a blank.
SELECT distinct pot.user_profile_option_name Profile
, DECODE (a.profile_option_value
, '1', '1 (may be "Yes")'
, '2', '2 (may be "No")'
, a.profile_option_value
) Value
, DECODE (a.level_id
, 10001, 'Site'
, 10002, 'Application'
, 10003, 'Responsibility'
, 10004, 'User'
, '????'
) Level_identifier
, DECODE (a.level_id
, 10002, e.application_name
, 10003, c.responsibility_name
, 10004, d.user_name
, '-'
) Level_Name
FROM applsys.fnd_application_tl e
, applsys.fnd_user d
, applsys.fnd_responsibility_tl c
, applsys.fnd_profile_option_values a
, applsys.fnd_profile_options b
, applsys.fnd_profile_options_tl pot
AND UPPER (pot.user_profile_option_name) LIKE UPPER ('%&v_profile%')
AND pot.profile_option_name = b.profile_option_name
AND b.application_id = a.application_id(+)
AND b.profile_option_id = a.profile_option_id(+)
AND a.level_value = c.responsibility_id(+)
AND a.level_value = d.user_id(+)
AND a.level_value = e.application_id(+)
AND ( UPPER (e.application_name) LIKE UPPER ('%&appname_respname_username%')
OR UPPER (c.responsibility_name) LIKE UPPER ('%&&appname_respname_username%')
OR UPPER (d.user_name) LIKE UPPER ('%&&appname_respname_username%')
ORDER BY Profile
, Level_identifier
, Level_name
, Value
Find concurrent program & Request set attached to a responsibility
Query to find concurrent programSELECT fna1.application_short_name "Application" ,
frg.request_group_name "Group" ,
frg.request_group_code "Code" ,frg.description "Description" ,
DECODE(frgu.request_unit_type, 'P', 'Program', 'A', 'Application', 'S', 'Set', 'F', 'Stage Function') "Request Type" ,
fcpl.user_concurrent_program_name "Request Name" ,
fna2.application_short_name "Request Application"
FROM fnd_request_groups frg,
fnd_request_group_units frgu,
fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcpl,
fnd_application fna1,
fnd_application fna2
WHERE frg.request_group_id = frgu.request_group_id
AND frg.application_id = fna1.application_id
AND frgu.application_id = fna2.application_id
AND frg.application_id = frgu.application_id
AND fcpl.concurrent_program_id = frgu.request_unit_id
AND UPPER(fcpl.user_concurrent_program_name) LIKE '%' || UPPER(:program) || '%'
Query to find Request Set
select frt.responsibility_name, frg.request_group_name,
From apps.fnd_Responsibility fr, apps.fnd_responsibility_tl frt,
apps.fnd_request_groups frg, apps.fnd_request_group_units frgu,
apps.fnd_request_Sets_tl fcpt
where frt.responsibility_id = fr.responsibility_id
and frg.request_group_id = fr.request_group_id
and frgu.request_group_id = frg.request_group_id
and fcpt.request_set_id = frgu.request_unit_id
and fcpt.user_request_set_name = '&request_set_name'
order by 1,2,3,4
Concurrent Program Attached to a Responsibility
Below query can be a handy one to find the list of responsibilities where the concurret program is attached.
select frg.request_group_name
,fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name CONC_PGM_NAME
from apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_tl fcpt
,apps.fnd_request_group_units frgu
,apps.fnd_request_groups frg
,apps.fnd_responsibility fr
,apps.fnd_responsibility_tl frt
where 1 = 1
and frgu.request_unit_id = concurrent_program_id
and frg.request_group_id = frgu.request_group_id
and fr.request_group_id = frg.request_group_id
and frt.responsibility_id = fr.responsibility_id
and frt.responsibility_name = '&RESPONSIBILITY_NAME'
order by fcpt.user_concurrent_program_name
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